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FAQ for clients
Frequently asked questions
Different and unclear definitions of terms, complex and constantly changing areas of responsibility as well as heterogeneous CVs, especially in communication, often make evaluation very difficult for non-specialists. We are highly specialized and know “our” market. We have been conducting daily discussions and interviews with specialists and executives from all areas of communication and marketing for more than 25 years.
With this experience, we can assess the accuracy of a candidate’s accuracy in terms of his professional and social qualifications. As our client, you definitely benefit from this expertise.
This depends on the degree of difficulty of finding a job, i.e. also on how ‘pointed’ your requirements profile is and how much your ideas take into account the needs of the personnel market. Normally, depending on the search variant, you can expect to be able to conduct the first interviews with suitable applicants in two to four weeks.
Thanks to our expertise as a specialized personnel consultancy, you can expect all presented applicants to have a high degree of accuracy. This allows you to make a qualified – and above all fast – decision among just a few applicants. As a rule, more than 4 to 6 applicants are rarely required.
If necessary, however, we look until the position can be filled.
Our total fee usually consists of three parts. The first part is due at the time of placing the contract, the second as soon as you invite presented applicants to the interview and the third and final part after applicants have signed the employment contract.
Other rules apply to the Screening service package.
A great many of the positions we occupy have a strong international connection. Our networking abroad is correspondingly good. We know a large number of internationally active experts. We have always been able to meet the requirements of our customers in this area.